Posts Tagged Daydreaming

Give me what I dreamt of!

Even before my exams started , I was daydreaming of all the great places I could be interning at in November. I solemnly promised myself never to part from my sister’s mobile with its uber-cool camera, to keep clicking away taking all the great shots possible. I formulated in my mind how the upcoming few blogs of mine would be like: with ultra awesome pictures, and breath taking tales of me saving the human race from deadly diseases. I would be the ultimate heroine of the entire blogosphere. ๐Ÿ˜›

Alas! The so called heroine couldn’t even take care of her own self.

So ย here I am: dreams all shattered; chances of rescuing the mankind lost; hope of writing at least ONE decent blog (with photos!) a distant thought now.

And what remains is Me and my bogus Blogging.

Enjoy ๐Ÿ˜›

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